
Our OHSAS 18001 services:

Everything is in one place for the best price!

Lower price, “paperless” e-forms!

Less than two weeks lead time!

We exonerate you from this obligation!
We are “paperless” and offer free-of-charge FTP-site and cloud services, which are easily available via internet!

About OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health- and Safety Management Systems

Occupational health and safety is a subject that must be addressed by all organizations large and small. The organization's management system should identify all legislative requirements, identify the hazards and control the risks of the organization. Progressive businesses will aim to go beyond compulsory measures and promote continuous improvement on health and safety matters.

Benefits of OHSAS 18001 certification:

The implementation of Occupational Health- and Safety Management System is beneficial for those, who would like to:


Why you choose us for the implementation of OHSAS 18001?
