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Welcome to our website!

Our company has nearly 20 years old professional background, we carried out more than 600 ISO based management system implementation as well as more than 200 successful tender elaboration projects financed by domestic or by EU funds. We offer services for our customers with extensive proficiency and high level language knowledge.

Our company focuses on long-term business relationships. We have more than five year relationship with most of our clients.

We offer our services in four main fields, those are:

  1. ISO standard based management systems (most well-known of these are: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000-1)
  2. Training services,
  3. Tender (EU fund) support
  4. System audits (E.g: HACCP, GMP)

IT business oriented organizations are in focus of our ISO based implementation services. As Hungarian market leader we provide elaboration and implementation of ISO 20000-1 based IT service management systems and ISO 27001 based information security management systems.

Our most important strengths:

  • Certification: we provide fully comprehensive services with certifications.
  • Technology: the “paperless” implementation of ISO management standards, with own FTP and cloud services.
  • Language skills: high-level English, German and professional language knowledge.
  • Time management: fast - immediate - solutions

ALFA-CON Advisory and Training Centre Ltd.
Seat / Office:
1022-Budapest, Rókushegyi lépcső 9/A.
Phone / Fax: (06-1) 780-5096
Mobil: (+36 30) 924-2698
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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